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As a part of the City of Ocala's Recreation and Parks Department, the Cultural Arts Office manages and assists with a variety of City events and programming. During my time as Cultural Arts Coordinator, I was part of many of these events in different capacities, ranging from administrative assistance, coordinating, and management. Here is a look at key events that I have been involved with as the Community Cultural Arts Coordinator.

Held the first Friday of each month from 6-9 p.m. from September - May, the Art Walk spans fifteen city blocks within Ocala’s historic downtown core. The walk includes numerous indoor restaurants, businesses and open air spaces hosting visual and performing artists.



  • Event Manager 2015 - 16 and 2016 - 17 seasons.

  • Cultivated relationships in order to increase artist participation by 31% and business partner donations by 300% from the 2015-16 season to the 2016-17 season.

  • Steadily increased the Art Walk's social media following since May 2015 for a 48% overall growth.


During its fundraising stage, the MAX team focused on fundraising events and community outreach. From 2015-2017 I assisted in numerous events and fundraisers to help the Magnolia Art Xchange move forward toward its goals. In 2019 the MAX will finally be opening the doors for its Artists In Residency program!



  • MAX Paint Out & Exhibit 2015 - Provided administrative assistance & participated as an artist in paint out hosted at the MAX site, Ocala Union Station. Artists created works based on the historic train station and exhibited at City Hall to raise funds and awareness for MAX.

  • MAX & Burger 21 Fundraiser - Initiated partnership and coordinated fundraiser with local Burger 21 to benefit MAX.

  • Art Heist 2016 - Assisted with exhibit planning and event logistics + donated art for Art Heist game.


The Ocala Outdoor Sculpture Competition is a bi-annual, national competition hosted by the City of Ocala, resulting in a 20 month exhibit in Tuscawilla Park, with two public events celebrating the exhibit - The VIP Sculpture Preview & Tuscawilla Sculpture Stroll. For the 2016 - 17 competition, I provided assistance in planning and coordinating these events.



  • A Sculpture Affair - Ticketed, VIP preview event of newly installed sculptures. Assisted in planning outdoor accommodations of food, tents/seating, and entertainment for 200+ guests.

  • Tuscawilla Sculpture Stroll - Free, public event. Coordinated 10 free activities hosted by local arts organizations and assisted with securing catering vendors and entertainment for 1,000 + guests.


In 2016 the City of Ocala celebrated Tuscawilla Parks' 100th birthday with a Centennial Celebration event and the Grand Opening of the Art Park, planned and executed by the Cultural Arts staff. The original 10-acre park purchased by City Council in 1916 has grown over the past century to a 53 acre, premier green space. This is Ocala’s Central Park – a “common ground – a place where everyone can play”.



  • Assisted in research of the park's history to populate a timeline exhibit

  • Assisted in social media marketing campaign and distribution of print materials

  • Coordinated vendors and volunteers for event + worked with team for set up, breakdown and general logistics

  • Participated in overall design/aesthetic decision making process


Light Up Ocala is the City of Ocala's signature, annual event. It attracts crowds of 20,000+ people every year, with dozens of food and craft vendors, a parade, and a highly anticipated lighting ceremony after dark. The VIP reception is an upscale event held for City and County officials, sponsors, vendors and community stakeholders, as a "Thank You" for their service. Planning this event involved securing and coordinating sponsorships for food and decor to accommodate 150+ guests, set up and breakdown of event + coordination of volunteers, and the creation and distribution of promotional print materials.

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